Mother Lode Answering Service

Our Operators

Mother Lode Answering Service

The Best Trained Operators in the Industry

We are an extension of your office providing "Live Operator Answering" in place of your staff, thus saving you money in hourly wages, workers compensation, payroll taxes & more!

We can also answer up to 24 hours per day to insure your business will not miss that valuable call that makes your company money. Let's face reality, if someone is calling you from your Yellow Pages ad and they get an answering machine, they will move on to the next number in the phone book. We do a job that no answering machine can do, we will know you and your company personally and field your calls just as you would and we will handle the call with kid gloves as if we were the owner of your company, so your clients will call you again and again and again.

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